Friday 4 July 2014

Crocodile tears and bullsh*t from Andrea and Ambrosine

Carrying on from the earlier posts I made:

 I recommend another new #Storify by Alison Chabloz.

Slideshow below but recommend following the link to Storify for best viewing experience:

Selective crocodile tears and 'mad, rabid stalkers'

Exposing the bullying, the lies and the sheer hypocrisy of these women is easy. They expose themselves daily.

And this also?

Has my mad rabid stalker booked her holiday yet? :0) (More of her BS...)  Pack the midge repellant and the waterproofs and I hope you have transport as neither buses nor trains are frequent. Rural life is rather different to Bethnal Green.

No Ambrosine you shouldn't be tweeting at all, on any account, and I'm sure Twitter will catch up again soon. How many suspended now?

Did you and your mates leave me alone? No. So why should anyone leave you and your rabid fake  'org' now?

As for contacting Alison's employer to smear her...  you are one very sick woman.

And for all my loyal readers...  thank you!




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